
Prompt Engineering Basics 2

Section 4: Fundamentals of Prompt Engineering

  • Linguistics 101: Briefly touch on the importance of understanding basic language concepts (syntax, grammar, etc.) as it helps create clear, logical prompts.
    • Example: Knowing the difference between a command ("Summarize this article") and a question ("Does this article express a positive opinion?") helps you frame prompts effectively.
  • Zero-Shot Prompting:
    • Explain: Providing a basic task instruction without examples.
    • Example 1: "Translate this paragraph into French."
    • Example 2: "Write a haiku about technology."
  • Few-Shot Prompting:
    • Explain: Providing a few examples to guide the AI's response style and format.
    • Example 1: "Write a product description in the style of a Buzzfeed article. Example: 'This water bottle is so innovative, you won't believe your eyes!'"
    • Example 2: "Generate five similar headlines to this one: 'AI Revolutionizes Healthcare: What You Need to Know.'"
  • Chain of Thought Prompting:
    • Explain: Breaking complex problems into smaller steps, asking the AI to solve each step sequentially, ultimately leading to the final solution.
    • Example: Task - Analyze the sentiment of this customer review.
      • Step 1: "Identify the keywords in the review that express positive or negative emotions."
      • Step 2: "Calculate the ratio of positive to negative keywords."
      • Step 3: "Based on the ratio, determine if the overall sentiment is positive, negative, or neutral."

Use Case Scenario: Customer Service Chatbot

Let's imagine you're using prompt engineering to improve a customer service chatbot:

  • Zero-shot: "Answer this customer's question: 'How do I track my order?'"
  • Few-shot: "Answer this customer's question in a friendly and helpful tone. Example: 'Absolutely! Here's how to track your order...' "
  • Chain of Thought:
    • Step 1: "Identify the customer's order number from their message."
    • Step 2: "Check the order status in the system."
    • Step 3: "Provide the customer with the order status and estimated delivery date."