Welcome to My Creative Construction Zone! 👷‍♂️

While the full portfolio experience is getting its finishing touches, get a sneak peek at some of my cutting-edge AI projects that are already making waves:

AI Quiz & Exam Generator

Unleash the power of AI to craft custom quizzes and exams effortlessly. Check it out

Essay Correction Checker

Instantly elevate your writing with AI-powered feedback and suggestions. Try it now

CBT Online Test Platform

Empower educators and students with a versatile online assessment platform designed for schools and beyond. Streamline exams, quizzes, and more with ease. Explore here

**NEW! Interactive Paper Editor** 🚀

A sophisticated web-based tool allowing users to drag, drop, resize, and edit elements on a virtual paper canvas. Ideal for creating custom layouts, the editor supports image uploads, layer management, and property adjustments with intuitive controls. Learn more

Let's Collaborate!

Got a question, idea, or project in mind? I'm all ears!
Reach out to me at ryansat46@gmail.com